Portal de Conferências da FURB, 1° Fórum Integrado da Pós-Graduação

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The Use of Social Media by BA Professors in the Teaching and Learning Practices of Undergraduate Classrooms
Barbara Kobuszewski Volles

Última alteração: 2016-10-04


Professors and higher educational administrators face a new challenge; try to find a way to methodologically incorporate technologies in the classroom. The social media are one of the technologies that usually accompany our everyday lives, even in the educational environment. This technology consists of free platforms that highly influence people to be connected and networking with each other (Moran, Seaman, & Tinti-Kane, 2011). The “digital” students, which are now in the Undergraduate classrooms, seek for more interesting classes, where technology can help develop their learning outcomes (Piotrowski, 2015). And the Professors and their educational institutions seek for a technology method adaptation; in order to better motivate their students in the classroom (Venkataraman & Sivakumar, 2015). In order to comprehend these phenomena this study has as main purpose to understand the use of social media by undergraduate BA (Business Administration) Professors in the teaching and learning practices. The strategies adopted to achieve the purpose of this work are to identify the used social media, to know the most used social media, to understand the motives that BA Professors use social media and to verify the social media that has better results of uses by undergraduate BA Professors in the teaching and learning practices. In order to answer the research question, this study approaches a qualitative research, under an exploratory study. The used technique is the multiple-case study with 4 different Universities, in which the research subjects selected were BA Professors that use social media in Undergraduate classrooms. It was interviewed 7 different Professors, which lead to a case-study content analysis. This study is at the moment in the data analysis procedure, not being possible to present any further analysis and conclusion.

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